Upcoming Events
2025 Wheel of the Year Gatherings
Feb 1st: Imbolc
Mar 20th: Ostara (spring equinox)
May 1st: Beltane
June 21st: Litha (summer solstice)
Aug 1st: Lughnassadh
Sep 21st: Mabon (fall equinox, no event)
Nov 1st: Samhain
Dec 21st: Yule (winter solstice)
Join us at Full Life Farm from 6-9:30pm
to celebrate these natural seasonal shifts
with food and song!
For more information and updates about
Wheel of the Year events, join this Signal thread.
Second Sunday Sings
Join us in song every second Sunday of each month at Full Life Farm from 2 - 4pm. Bring a song to share or just enjoy songs that others bring.
Heartbeat Song Retreat
The second annual Heartbeat Song Retreat will be
April 26-27, 2025!
Titus Androgynous
Titus Androgynous—a gender critical adaptation of Shakespeare's Titus Andronicus—will be performing at Full Life Farm September 5-7 of 2025.
Our Calling
Working with individuals, families, and communities to acknowledge and celebrate major transitions in our lives through ceremony, ritual, performance, art, gatherings, and especially one-on-one or family doula support to reshape and heal our culture.
In addition to community gatherings, we offer doula support for the various transformational stages of life: birth, puberty, marriage, death, and other transitions. We also offer yoga and plant medicine for wellness support. We also host and produce occasional theatrical productions with a focus on cultural transformation.
"Terra is one of the most intuitive and insightful people I've ever met. She has helped me tremendously in feeling my feelings, having realizations,
and understanding my own heart. She deeply cares about people and is a fountain of love, compassion and wisdom. I cannot recommend her enough."
—Jon, grief doula client
"Working with Terra Currie-Feather transformed my troubles into energy I could use. Through a combination of compassionate conversation and yoga
geared toward my own specific needs, Terra elevated my self-care to a new level of spiritual, physical, and emotional health. I struggle with PTSD,
and Terra's calm, soothing energy helped me reach farther and go deeper into my own healing journey. I emerged with a renewed sense of vigor and
—Kiesa, yoga and wellness doula client